“Women of
Ireland”: Become Women of Cerritos
Glen Creason
As St. Paddy’s day looms, Cerritos has
taken on a definite green hue as of late and Saturday’s “Women of Ireland” show
was more of the musical forty shades. On the tapping heels of “Rhythm of the
Dance” this “Women of Ireland” show offered another grand scale, grand
celebration of Celtic pride and a glorification of the Emerald Isle’s dance and
song. The concert brought much more color than green, including an entire
stage-full or beautiful women and fine looking men along with some amazing
musicianship that spared no showman (or woman) ship. At the center is the
dazzlingly gorgeous trio of O’Neill sisters (Fiona, Naomi, Evangeline) from
Kerry who sang well alone and even
better together, such contemporary songs as “Marie’s Wedding,” “Carolina Rua,” “Where
the Blarney Roses Grow” along with the lively “Red Haired Mary” that well
pleased the decidedly enthusiastic crowd. The lovely ladies changed from one
fine gown to another and while their voices were high and sweet on songs like “the
Green Fields of France,” “There for Me” or “Imagine” it was hard not to get
lost in the enchantment of the O’Neill’s pulchritude.
Yet, some of the finest moments on this
night came from the little, scene-stealing fiddler Niamh Gallagher who not only
raised the temperature of the concert hall whenever she put bow to fiddle as
her joyful countenance was infectiously
delightful to fellow performers and audience. Likewise, fueling the fun were
the excellent small band of drums, whistle/bodhran, guitar, pipes/saxophone, the
terrific keyboards of Cian Boylan and the amazingly invigorating accordion of
Kevin Jones. Both gents were brilliant throughout along with Dan the drummer
man. That is in no way to slight the absolutely marvelous dancing of the
supremely confident (for good reason) Kelly McDonnell, her unfairly
unidentified male counterpart and the two young ladies who exploded onto the
stage like flying pixies, lighting up every number they joined and causing
great gushes of applause from the balcony. When the evening concluded I could
only repeat “slainte chuig na fir, agus
go mairfidh na mna go deo” (health to the men and may the women live forever!”)